A word that everybody called 'FRIENDSHIP'..

I swear,i didnt mean to hurt anybody's feeling,my gangs,especially Zairul. Mayn,i read through your blog and when it comes to one of your post talking about our ex5A friendship,im soo soo soorry for making up an unthinkable cnclusion. After you said about what all of us had did last two years and after seeing all of our 5A pictures, i now realized that our friendship is like a GOLD,in which anyone can't steal it. I take back my words. Eventhough you moved into different Form Sixth centre,but please remember this.. me,ajmal,bukhari,zirun,anas,hafiiz,amirul,aizuddin,thai,and syafri, kami inda rugi for having a wonderful friendship like your's. That's all.

Talking about friendship,yesterday was the last day for Saidi to be at the PTEB. He's going to UK within a week and,umm.. We had a farewell party for him and made him cried. Haha.
we chat last night and we talked a lot,talking about our first entering the PTEB.

Saidi : "Ko ingat time tani bru msuk Pteb????"

Me : "Eh,ingat eh.."

Saidi : "Aku bru tau ko ne cmana tym tni first time doing the patrol duty,yg ko ckp sumthing about BUKA BAJU!!!!"

me : " Yg mana ah? "

*then i just remembered yg tym kmi patrol atu,aku bcali tym kmi mncheck one of the toilet,and i said,"Saidi,imagine ko tym tni patrol djamban ane ada urg buka baju,emosi g tue!"*

i appreciated him because he realized how important friendship are by saying like above. The moment he hugged us yesterday during lunch,oh god,why everything have to change!! I mean,we just got a very precious friend who's kind,humble and apa nya urg melayu,BERSOPAN SANTUN DAN HORMAT, and then we have to 'lose' him?? That kind of feeling made me want to cry. And also,eventhough we known each other just only for 6month,he said that,i'm his GREAT Bestfriend. BESTFRIEND FOREVER SAIDI!

and also,you are BETTER THAN THE BEST!


P/S=Im not trying to be an EMO!


Sphagetti nyaman kemarin,thanx INTAN!