Officially an MP

I didn't know that yesterday was a badge-giving ceremony for us,MPs,since i was absent the day before. And for the IKRAR thing,i swear i didn't do the rehearsal with the rest. We were told to wear SONGKOK as it was also an Israk Mikraj Function,along with the 'Badge-ing'. And when all of us wears it,everyone seems to be different. Some of them called me Harry Potter(by Hafizul and Haji Alif),Anas was being called an ELF. Haha. And Ajmal,he's totally a Jaw Dropper(Percayalah~) Hahahaha. People were like.... lose their mind when each of us came up to the stage,one by one(im not kidddding mayn~). Especially when it come to Saidi turn,since he's our school MODEL in terms of ACADEMIC,and he's going to the UK. Haha. But important thing is Ajmal's face was totally RED yesterday. He have a fan,you know~ c Wazien plg saja tuu.. kya Kya Kya.
til then,hasta la vista.To Ajmal,im UPDATING! How unbelievable! You can see in people's BLOG! (nda pham~)