Sounds came from many different things,media,and even BODY ORGANS. Beatboxing is one of them,my friend today made that cool sounds. First,i'm not that attracted to just one sound. THEN,he unconsciously(labih~) combined three different sounds(Bass+click+Classic Kick drum) to become BEATBOX(How to pronounce it? Antah ehh). After hearing all of that,my body metabolisms,enzyme reactions,caused nerve impulses to move to my mouth,wanting to join what had Ajmal just did! I talked rubbish,saying unnecessary words like,F*c*,you cow!,*%!?#+!!!,etc.. Haha. Realizing to what ajmal said that he'll teaach me how,i was excited. He give some codes, B-LCL-BLABLABLA. Haha. I tried but my mouth seems hard to do as what Ajmal did. My enthusiasm(did i spell correctly?) brought me to check on YOUTUBE(Yea,youtube,you know what i'm saying??). Sekalinya,ada tia this video,there,the title was '3 basic Beatbox'. I kept up with the video. And Voalah! I can beatboxing,but need some polishing lahh.. Kekee. I want to pair up with Ajmal in beatboxing,it must be cool~

today's classes highlights:

Biology :
Fine,nothing new. Only three weeks left for Ms. Liew to leave us. Oh god! Its sad. Elaaa.. She's a fine,experienced teacher and we need that kind of tutor. I dont want for a fresh tutor to teach us. Darn it..

I was late for my class because Ms. Liew (My biology class is right before my Maths class) had some 'long' useful advices,after its done,all of us scattered away like chickens trying to catch up our classes. Haha.

Nothing special,just chit-chatting with Ajmal(bout that beatboxing~),Zirun n the gangs(bout Warcraft,Poor ziruun~ hahah,peace mayn!).

I just love Physics! Hahaha. (Seriously,i meant it). Like usual,nothing special. Btw,Hafiz Halfzan left his Past Year Book at his locker,and when out to get it. And during that moment,i realized something unusual.
I said to myself,
Me: "Kemana ya anaak ane.."

Suddenly,ada tia muncul.
He said to me,
Hafiz: "Membali minuman kuuu.. Hahaha!"

Me: "Astaga! Sampat g tue!"

Mayn,he's hilarious. Mcm2 saja anak atuuu ee.

I was debating with Intan and Sha. Its not fair meyh! Two is to one. Cheh! Ofcourse i lost! You know kan,Girls ane potpetpotpet. Haha! Talk much on Gossips. Cheh again! Did you want to know what topic that was being debated? Yes,laugh before you read.
Obviously yang sumpah2 atuu. Nda ja? But still,i lost! Duhh..

Had a 'class' with Ajmal,BEATBOX CLASS. Haha.

Like usual,B.O.R.I.N.G.

thats all. Over dah ne post ku ah. Kya Kya Kya.



Anonymous | August 11, 2008 at 6:41 AM

Good good good......