And on the day after, I take a look at the pictures and I found something strange about the LEFT star/planet. After I zoomed in to 32x of the photo, I found this:
Zoom 32x:
It looks like there are four spotlights, isn’t it?
Zoom 16x:
Its not that clear but you can see it right?
Im not sure about this pulang maybe pasal ea bezoom atu, maybe the resolutions are not good enough when you zoom in. Bla Bla Bla..
But one of my friends found out jua about this wonderful event.
“It happened every 48 years when the planet Jupiter and Planet Venus are arranged in this way. Along with the moon.“
For further information, search all over the GOOGLE or Yahoo search engine about this topic. Its interesting x ahh. Hope to be one of the Astronomers of the World and join them searching out what the heck is this thing actually.
btw,i made out a picture.
to my ex-5A '07 SMSAB, how does it look?
Till then
Your blog is so intresting Fa'ie. Haha. I'd like to know more about the venus thingy. Anyway, I am not pretty sure what that four dots were. But I think it looks like 4 stars joining together or something? Hahaha but again, I am not sure. :D haha
And where's my link? haha.
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