

Hahaha. from day to day,my school life gettin more and more fun..! A lot of my friends gettin new appearences,esp ajmal. haha. cool eh rmbutnya. mcm john travoltage*TRAVOLTA* Hahahaha.. eventhough aku trlambat for knowing that,and ea ckp td,"Man,ktinggalan zaman ko ahh~" HAHA! Bcoz i was absent yesterday due to severe migrain*ARGHH!* But,overall,its fun day today~ THE END


Ajmal Faiz | May 21, 2008 at 1:44 AM

what? haha..r u being sarcastic or what? John Travbullta? haha

Waie | May 21, 2008 at 4:26 AM

awu,rambut nya baru. eh mcm cesc fabregas jua. ahah.eh nanti if rambut ku baru,puji ah.HAHAH

Refa'e J. | May 21, 2008 at 11:54 PM

Waie : MTKI.. (malas tah ku ingau~~)

Ajmal : It's true meyh!!! hahaha.. Chow.. Travoltage(In Greek)='Tekaran'...